🤔 Overthinking or Reconnecting? (This Holds You Back)

Over the years of working with couples, I (Alisa) have noticed something surprising…

So many couples hesitate to try something new—not because they don’t want a better marriage, but because of all the ways it might go wrong.

💭 “What if my spouse doesn’t like what I suggest?”
💭 “What if we try and it doesn’t work?”
💭 “What if it just makes me feel even more rejected?”

If that sounds familiar, you're not alone.

But here’s the truth: The biggest risk in marriage is playing it safe.

So… what if you flipped the script this week and did something bold? 😉

That’s exactly what we’re diving into in today’s new article.

👉 Click here to read now

Love you guys,
Tony & Alisa

New Article

What do you look back on with regret? Are there moments in your life that, if given the chance, you’d do way differently?

Two of the hardest words in marriage can be: “What if?”

There are plenty of risky “what if” moments in marriage.

Every time you open up, lean in instead of pulling away, or choose connection over comfort, you are stepping into uncertainty.

It’s daunting.

And yet, what if that’s exactly what your marriage needs to grow stronger?

Click here to read the article >>

Today's Trivia

Question: What percentage of couples in the ONE Family have oral sex at least monthly?

A. 15%

B. 38%

C. 61%

D. 84%

⬇️ Scroll to the end for the answer.


57 Compliments to Pass Out Like Candy 🍬

Spoiler alert... Your spouse desires to hear compliments and encouragement from you.

Husbands: Your wife wants to know that she is your ideal of beauty. You have an opportunity every day to build your wife up and to let her know that you like what you see both inside and out. These regular reminders chase away doubts and insecurities.

Wives: Your husband wants to be respected and honored. When you encourage your husband, he can go out there and slay those dragons as he battles the world for his wife and family.

Now is the time to lift and encourage your spouse.

You can write them a romantic love letter. You can text them a sexy text message. Or you can look them in the eyes and tell them how much they mean to you.

However you decided to do it, we’ve compiled a list of 57 simple (but effective) compliments that you can use today get your creative juices flowing.

Here's a sneak peek:

  1. You are an amazing role model to our children.
  2. I smile with pride at every promotion your receive.
  3. It’s not always easy dealing with (anxiety, depression, illness, disability, etc.) and yet you face each day with strength and courage.
  4. Thank you for waking up early to spend time with me before I go to work.
  5. I love when your strong arms wrap me up in a hug.
  6. Thank you for putting God first.
  7. Thank you for dealing with my family with a smile when you would rather not.
  8. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate how you provide for our kids.
  9. Your smile brightens my day, every day.
  10. You make me feel like I’m the only man/woman in the world.

Check out all 57 compliments here >>

Today's Trivia Answer

Question: What percentage of couples in the ONE Family have oral sex at least monthly?

A. 15%

B. 38%

C. 61%

D. 84%

Four out of five married people enjoy oral sex! 🙌

In a poll of the ONE Family, 84% of you have oral sex at least monthly. And 88% of you use it primarily as foreplay and not the main event.

According to the responses, both husbands and wives give and receive oral sex approximately twice per month.

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to oral sex, but don’t let stigmas or myths rob you of better intimacy.

If you're looking for tips for how to have this conversation with your spouse, check out Episode 468: Oral Sex for Him and Her 🎧

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you...

  1. Join the ​private ONE Family Facebook group​. Connect with others in the ONE Family who are strengthening their 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and more. - Tap Here
  2. Don’t settle for a “logistics-only” marriage. Transform your marriage from one that is emotionally distant and sexually frustrated to one of deep connection and passion. - Tap Here Now
  3. Work with Alisa One-on-One. If you'd like to work directly with Alisa to improve your marriage... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... share a little about what's going on in your marriage and she'll get you all the details.

The ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show has a 4.6 average rating. Listen now on your favorite app.

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Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in Naples, FL

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