We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in Naples, FL
Feeling stuck in a sexual rut? Yeah, we've been there too. Plenty of times. So we know how frustrating and discouraging it can be... especially when you’re not even sure how it happened. The good news? A lot of couples fall into the same common traps, but with a few simple shifts, you can turn things around fast! 👉 Click here to read now Love you guys,Tony & Alisa New Article If you walked into marriage expecting a blazing sex life but found yourself feeling more frustrated than fulfilled,...
Over the years of working with couples, I (Alisa) have noticed something surprising… So many couples hesitate to try something new—not because they don’t want a better marriage, but because of all the ways it might go wrong. 💭 “What if my spouse doesn’t like what I suggest?”💭 “What if we try and it doesn’t work?”💭 “What if it just makes me feel even more rejected?” If that sounds familiar, you're not alone. But here’s the truth: The biggest risk in marriage is playing it safe. So… what if you...
Ever heard a marriage tip that sounded like pure genius? Something so simple and obvious that you thought, "This is it! This will change everything!" But then… you try it. And somehow, it just doesn’t work the way you expected. The truth is, not every marriage tip out there will work for your marriage. So what do you do when you've tried it all, but nothing seems to stick? That’s exactly what we’re diving into in today’s article. 👉 Click here to read now >> Love you guys,Tony & Alisa New...