
Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

3 new positions to try

Published 12 days ago • 4 min read

We know it can sometimes be intimidating, but...

Trying a new sex position could be the best thing you do for your marriage this week!

And to help you out, we're sharing 3 new positions in today's article.

Don't worry, our famous figurines (Pink & Floyd) will show you exactly how to get into position.

Have fun! 😉

Love you guys,

Tony & Alisa

New Article

Have things become a bit boring in the bedroom?

When it comes to sexual intimacy, knowing what works well is a success.

But eventually, it can limit the connection you experience as a couple.

That’s why we’re sharing these new sex positions for married couples!

Trying new sex positions isn’t just for young couples or newlyweds.

As you grow together, preferences change. And unless you try new things, you might not realize that new positions enhance your sexual intimacy.

Dive into these three new sex positions for married couples to strengthen your closeness and connection. ⬇️

Today's Trivia

Question: What percentages of couples in the ONE Family say their spouse knows where their erogenous zones are?

A. 29%

B. 43%

C. 57%

D. 71%

⬇️ Scroll to the end for the answer.

David Almost Lost His Wife & Kids

According to research, 56% of divorces involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.

I'm sure that’s not what either party signed up for the day they shared the vows.

Yet, oftentimes it takes men hitting a rock bottom in life or losing it all to wake up and realize it’s time for change.

Our friend, Coach Frank Rich works with men helping them break the chains of pornography addiction and he sees it every day with the men he works with.

Frank has helped hundreds of men take back control of their lives and restore the intimacy and connection in their relationships.

Take David, for instance. When Frank first met David, he was on the verge of losing it all when his wife presented him with lease papers for a new apartment for her and the kids.

David is a Tampa Sheriff, married his high school sweetheart, and they were raising 2 beautiful children…

But David’s compulsive addiction with porn and masturbation had taken over and he was disconnected from himself and his family.

His wife no longer trusted or respected him as a father, husband, or man.

And David’s feeble attempts and quitting porn had failed time and time again and she had had enough of it.

One last shot to get it right or she was taking the kids and heading out the door!

That’s when David contacted Frank and began down the journey of rebuilding his life, regaining control, and becoming the man his family needed him to be.

By the end of the time working with Frank, David was in better physical shape than he’d been in 20 years, was present and connected with both his wife and their kids, and he was walking in freedom from something that had helped him captive for decades.

Walking in freedom from pornography is something all men deserve.
Having a father who is free of pornography is something all children deserve.

Trusting and respecting your husband because he’s confronted his struggles and overcome them is something all women want and deserve.

If you’d like to regain control of this area in your life and rebuild your intimacy and connection with your wife and family….

Join us for the “Porn Free Man - 12 Steps To Overcome Porn Addiction In Just 12 Weeks” Masterclass next Tuesday, April 30th at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

There is hope for you! 💜 We’ll see you there.

Love you guys,

Tony & Alisa

P.S. The live Masterclass will have a Q&A time where you can get solutions to your specific challenges. You won’t want to miss it. Register now.

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Today's Trivia Answer

Question: What percentages of couples in the ONE Family say their spouse knows where their erogenous zones are?

A. 29%

B. 43%

C. 57%

D. 71%

A while back, we polled the ONE Family and asked, "Does your spouse know where your erogenous zones are?"

In response, 43% of you said "No."

Just over half of the ONE Family says their spouse knows where their erogenous zones are. 🤯

Let’s backtrack a little. What do you think of when you hear “erogenous zones”?

You may have thought of things like:

  • Touches that get you going
  • Parts that make you tingle
  • Touching
  • Playtime
  • Foreplay
  • Sensual places

“Erogenous” is defined as producing sexual excitement when stimulated: sexually sensitive.

So when talking about erogenous zones, those are the parts of the body that produce sexual excitement or arousal when stimulated.

It makes sense that knowledge of erogenous zones could do a lot for your sexual intimacy.

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you...

  1. Find us on ​Instagram ​and the ​private ONE Family Facebook group​. Connect with others in the ONE Family who are strengthening their 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and more.
  2. Connect with BOLD Wives. Make a decision today to become a BOLD Wife. When you do things begin to change! - Tap Here
  3. Work with Alisa One-on-One. If you'd like to work directly with Alisa to improve your marriage... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... share a little about what's going on in your marriage and she'll get you all the details.

The ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show has a 4.6 average rating. Listen now on your favorite app.

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Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in San Diego, CA.

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