The shocking way people cheat...

There was one Christmas when our kids were little where I (Alisa) went waaaay over budget on gifts.

I ignored the nagging feeling that I was overspending... and I didn't tell Tony.

But when January rolled around, we sat down to make our budget... and I had to tell Tony that we had about $800 less for the month because I had spent it on presents.

If you've ever been in that spot, you can imagine the dread we both felt in that moment.

Financial infidelity in any form can be destructive to your marriage.

In today's article, we share signs to look out for and 9 steps to begin restoring your intimacy if your marriage has experienced this type of pain.

Love you guys,

Tony & Alisa

New Article

No one expects betrayal, lies, or secrets to infiltrate their marriage.

Even fewer imagine that those devastating blows would come from how your spouse handles money.

Yet financial infidelity has the power to wreck your intimacy if you aren’t prepared to navigate the situation—or avoid it altogether.

When it comes to your financial intimacy, infidelity includes choosing not to tell the truth about your spending habits, debts, income, and otherwise.

This deceit breaks the trust between you and your spouse.

Financial infidelity is something most couples don’t want to think about. But since money is consistently a top reason for divorce, you can’t afford to take this topic lightly.

Read now to learn the signs of financial infidelity and 9 steps to overcome as a couple.

Today's Trivia

Question: What percentage of the ONE Family attends church services together as a couple?

A. 45%

B. 61%

C. 77%

D. 93%

⬇️ Scroll to the end for the answer.


How to Have Better, Longer Sex

Though you may have never thought about it this way before, having sex is a great way to burn calories!

On average, sex lasts 7.4 minutes (for intercourse alone, not counting foreplay). Men typically burn 100 calories, and women burn around 69.

Don't underestimate this physical activity!

It’s time to maximize and boost your fitness when you are under the sheets.

1. Pace Yourself

To boost your fitness while having sex, the first thing you should consider is your pace.

Think endurance sports, such as a marathon. No need to do the 100 meter dash in this instance. 😉

This can be easier if the two of you take turns leading, allowing you to have recovery time before beginning again.

2. Plan Your Actions

Try to think three steps ahead.

Different positions and different parts of the sexual act require you to expend different amounts of energy.

By planning your actions a few steps ahead, you can set up times where you allow your body to rest before going at it again.

Remember, the worst thing that can happen is that you become to taxed and stop early.

3. Movement

Are you moving around?

If you and your spouse are focusing entirely on doggy style, then you should probably change it up a bit.

Work on moving around to increase your fitness while having sex.

Not everything has to involve thrusting after all.

What it all comes down to is increasing the amount of time you are having sex.

Again at a measly 7.4 minutes for the average sex act, you have a lot of room to improve your fitness.

And, the more you improve your fitness, the longer and more satisfying sex will be.

Shop the Store:

Incredible Sex Toy Bundle

Turn On the Fun With The Bedroom Adventure Bundle!

All of your Bedroom Adventure Bundle items can be housed in the Zappa Toy Bag. This bag can hold all of your toys, lubes and other accessories without having to worry about prying eyes or spills.

The Screaming O products are easy-to-use, fun-to-try and made of materials consumers can trust at prices they can afford – because everyone deserves body-safe materials and quality construction.

Überlube feels amazingly silky and performs as long as you're using it. It's high-end luxury quality will keep you enjoying one another.

Included in the Bedroom Adventure Bundle:

  • ​Zappa Toy Bag (Charcoal)​
  • ​ColorPop Quickie Screaming O Plus​
  • ​Screaming O ColorPop Fingo Tips​
  • ​Screaming O RingO X3​
  • ​Screaming O KissOboo​
  • ​(2) Überlube 2 ml Single Pack
  • (2) Heart Shaped Unscented Tea Light Candles

Shipped via USPS Flat Rate Envelop for discreet delivery.

This has been a favorite for us and many couples in the ONE Family!

Today's Trivia Answer

Question: What percentage of the ONE Family attends church services together as a couple?

A. 45%

B. 61%

C. 77%

D. 93%

Have you thought about your spiritual intimacy recently?

You probably know it’s important, and you want to strengthen this pillar... But how do you do that?

Some couples take turns reading the Bible or a devotional.

Others attend church services and get involved with small groups.

There are so many great ways to build spiritual intimacy with your spouse, even if you've never considered it to be a "together" activity.

In many ways, spiritual intimacy can be more intimate than sex!

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you...

  1. Find us on ​Instagram ​and the ​private ONE Family Facebook group​. Connect with others in the ONE Family who are strengthening their 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and more.
  2. Connect with BOLD Wives. Make a decision today to become a BOLD Wife. When you do things begin to change! - Tap Here
  3. Work with Alisa One-on-One. If you'd like to work directly with Alisa to improve your marriage... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... share a little about what's going on in your marriage and she'll get you all the details.

The ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show has a 4.6 average rating. Listen now on your favorite app.

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Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in San Diego, CA.

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