
Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

How to handle opposite sex drives

Published about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Different sexual desires can be challenging for couples.

There's all kinds of terms you can use:

  • High desire / Low desire
  • High sex drive / Low sex drive
  • High libido / Low libido

A term you might not have heard before is "responsive desire."

Understanding responsive desire versus spontaneous desire may help you navigate your sexual differences with more confidence.

Check out this week's article as we bust some myths about responsive desire and what it means for your marriage.

Love you guys,

Tony & Alisa

This Week's Article

Many couples get married thinking that arousal follows desire.

However, this isn’t true for everyone.

Responsive desire is a normal and common experience for many spouses.

Whereas spontaneous desire happens almost automatically, responsive desire requires more intentionality.

There are five major lies about responsive desire that you might believe.

It’s time to clear things up so you can experience stronger sexual intimacy.

👀 Here's the TRUTH about how responsive desire affects your sex life.

Test Your Knowledge

Question: What percentage of the ONE Family says they like seeing their spouse in sexy underwear?

A. 39%

B. 54%

C. 71%

D. 86%

Scroll to the end for the answer.

Better Intimacy is For Everyone

“Is this group coaching program for both men and women?”

Someone recently asked me this, and the answer is YES.

Why? Because if I had to guess, I’d say the following things are true about you:

  • You want to have open and honest conversations with your spouse.
  • You want to feel amazing—inside AND out.
  • You want more joy and fun in your life and marriage.
  • You want to generate more income.
  • You desire a deeper connection with your creator.
  • You want to be a PASSIONATE and loving spouse.

These desires aren’t specific to just men or just women.

All of us want to experience these things.

We want deeper intimacy. We’re tired of feeling burned out. We want to feel confident in the direction of our lives and who we are becoming.

⤴️ I can make that bold claim because that’s exactly where I was in early 2023. I was stuck.

That’s when I began a daily practice that reinforced my desired identity. It began to strengthen every area of my life.

But it didn’t stop with me.

I shared my method with a friend who was transitioning from a high-level executive position to entrepreneurship.

He was skeptical at first, but upon adopting his own statements, he saw remarkable changes.

His confidence soared, and his new business took off in ways he hadn’t imagined.

My method is different because it taps into the foundational principle of identity. It’s straightforward.

It’s about creating a daily practice that reinforces your desired identity and affirms who you want to be.

I’m launching a 45-day group coaching program on March 20. It’s called Better Intimacy Starts Between Your Ears.

We’ll be meeting live on Zoom for four sessions, and I’ll teach you my method so you can craft your own statements that reflect who you are becoming.

Everyone who joins will discover…

👉 Why understanding your identity is critical for long-term peace

👉 ​What you’re doing right now that is causing resistance

👉 What to do when you're lacking motivation to continue toward your desired goal

👉 ​Why a daily practice is important (no matter where you may be physically and/or emotionally)

👉 And more.

Plus, you’ll get resources, tools, an encouraging community, and my personal insights.

So, are you ready to transform your life with The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® as your guide?

Click Here for a One-Time Payment of $99

Count down to 2024-03-21T00:00:00.000Z

This Week's Deal

Can you strengthen your bond, grow together, and enjoy deeper levels of love and intimacy that rival your newlywed days?

And can you do any or all of that without having to digest mountains of self-help books, or pouring your hearts out to a total stranger in endless counseling sessions?

Yes, it is possible—and as you read, you’ll see how easy it can be!

Inside The 6 Pillars of Intimacy®: The Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage, you’ll discover:

  • The six intimacies (pillars), and how to use them.
  • That, if the pillars are solid and straight, they will keep your marriage thriving and ensure everything goes along smoothly, and how to do this.
  • How, if the pillars become damaged, your marriage can start to collapse.
  • Our real-life story, experience, and relationship struggles.
  • And more.

Even the best marriages can have cracks in their relationships.

The difference is that extraordinary couples take action when they see those cracks happening.

Get The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® book + workbook today to experience the extraordinary marriage you desire and deserve.

Question: What percentage of the ONE Family says they like seeing their spouse in sexy underwear?

A. 39%

B. 54%

C. 71%

D. 86%

Your underwear drawer might impact your marriage more than you think.

When we surveyed the ONE Family about whether you like seeing your spouse in sexy underwear, 71% of you said, "Yes!"

The remaining 29% of you said it didn't matter as much to you.

Whatever part of that statistic you relate with, it's time to assess what’s in your underwear drawer.

Often, underwear is considered little more than a functional article of clothing.

But it can also be a tool that promotes connection between the two of you.

Because when you look good and feel good, the entire dynamic between you and your spouse can shift.

➡️ Here are 3 tips for sprucing up your underwear drawer (and your sex life!)

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you...

  1. Find us on Instagram and the private ONE Family Facebook group. Connect with others in the ONE Family who are strengthening their 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and more.
  2. Connect with BOLD Wives. Make a decision today to become a BOLD Wife. When you do things begin to change! - Tap Here
  3. Work with Alisa One-on-One. If you'd like to work directly with Alisa to improve your marriage... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... share a little about what's going on in your marriage and she'll get you all the details.

The ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show is rated 4.6 on Apple Podcasts.

Listen now on your favorite app

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Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in San Diego, CA.

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